Category - 安装部署

2021-12-29 14:57:05    22    0    0

Installing OpenVPN

Log in to the server as the non-root sudo user, and update the package lists to make sure you have all the latest versions.

  1. sudo yum update -y
  2. sudo yum install epel-release -y
  3. sudo yum update -y

Next, install OpenVPN and wget, which we will use to install Easy RSA:

  1. sudo yum install -y openvpn wget

Using wget, download Easy RSA. For the purposes of this tutorial, we recommend using easy-rsa-2 because there’s more available documentation for this version. You can find the download link for the latest version of easy-rsa-2 on the project’s Releases page:

  1. wget -O /tmp/easyrsa

Next, extract the compressed file with tar:

  1. tar xfz /tmp/easyrsa

This will create a new directory on your server called easy-rsa-old-2.3.3. Make a new subdirectory under /etc/openvpn and name it easy-rsa:

  1. sudo mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa

Copy the extracted Easy RSA files

2021-11-18 05:48:07    7    0    0


Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to traverse untrusted networks as if you were on a private network. It gives you the freedom to access the internet safely and securely from your smartphone or laptop when connected to an untrusted network, like the WiFi at a hotel or coffee shop.

When combined with HTTPS connections, this setup allows you to secure your wireless logins and transactions. You can circumvent geographical restrictions and censorship, and shield your location and any unencrypted HTTP traffic from the untrusted network.

OpenVPN is a full featured, open-source Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPN solution that accommodates a wide range of configurations. In this tutorial, you will set up OpenVPN on a CentOS 7 server, and then configure it to be accessible from a client machine.

Note: If you plan to set up an OpenVPN server on a DigitalOcean Droplet, be aware that we, like many hosting providers, charge for bandwidth overages. For this reason, please be mindful of

2021-08-06 07:55:33    29    0    0


The chectl management tool is available

Run the following command in the terminal

  1. bash <(curl -sL

Run the following command to verify that the chectl tool is available

  1. which chectl
  2. chectl --version

Install kubectl binary with curl on Linux

  1. curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
  2. wget

Install kubectl

  1. sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Run the following command

  1. chectl server:deploy --platform microk8s -m

Run without tls

  1. #vi patch.yaml
  2. spec:
  3. server:
  4. tlsSupport: true
  5. cheHost:
  6. customCheProperties:
  9. storage:
  10. pvcStrategy: 'common'
  11. postgresPVCStorageClassName: 'rbd-temp'
  12. workspacePVCS
2020-01-10 08:29:53    111    0    0

KubeEdge is composed of cloud and edge parts. It is built upon Kubernetes and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge.

So if we want to setup kubeedge, we need to setup kubernetes cluster, cloud side and edge side.

on cloud side, we need to install docker, kubernetes cluster and cloudcore.
on edge side, we need to install docker, mqtt and edgecore.

Go dependency and Kubernetes compatibility please refer



Cloud side

Install golang

  1. wget
  2. tar zxvf go1.12.15.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  3. mv go /opt/go
  4. vi .bash_profile
  5. export GOROOT=/opt/go
  6. export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
  7. export GOPATH=/root/go
  8. export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/BIN

Edge side

Install golang

  1. wget
  2. tar zxvf go1.12.15.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  3. mv go /opt/go
  4. vi .bash_profile
  5. export GOROO
2019-05-06 06:51:53    213    0    0



disable firewall

  1. systemctl stop firewalld
  2. systemctl disable firewalld

disable swap

  1. swapoff -a

config hostname ensure local hostname reachable

  1. vi /etc/hosts
  2. node1
  3. node2
  4. node3

Install docker

  1. # Install Docker from CentOS/RHEL repository:
  2. yum install -y docker
  3. ----------------------------
  4. # or install Docker CE 18.06 from Docker's CentOS repositories:
  5. ## Install prerequisites.
  6. yum install yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
  7. ## Add docker repository.
  8. yum-config-manager \
  9. --add-repo \
  11. ## Install docker.
  12. yum update && yum install docker-ce-18.06.1.ce
  13. ## Create /etc/docker directory.
  14. mkdir /etc/docker
  15. mkdir /docker
  16. # Setup daemon.
  17. cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF
  18. {
  19. "log-driver": "json-file",
  20. "log-opts": {
  21. "max-size": "100m"
  22. },
  23. "storage-opts": [
  24. "ov
2019-12-03 06:37:04    20    0    0

Download the release

Download the Istio release which includes installation files, samples, and the istioctl command line utility.

  • Go to the Istio release page to download the installation file corresponding to your OS. Alternatively, on a macOS or Linux system, you can run the following command to download and extract the latest release automatically:

    $ curl -L | sh -

  • Move to the Istio package directory. For example, if the package is istio-1.4.0:

    $ cd istio-1.4.0

The installation directory contains:

  • Installation YAML files for Kubernetes in install/kubernetes
  • Sample applications in samples/
  • The istioctl client binary in the bin/ directory. istioctl is used when manually injecting Envoy as a sidecar proxy.

    • Add the istioctl client to your path, on a macOS or Linux system:


    • You c
2019-11-13 09:26:30    61    0    0

An Apache Ignite cluster can be easily deployed in and maintained by Kubernetes which is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

First, you need to choose how you would like to use Ignite:

  • If it will be used in the pure in-memory mode or as a caching layer on top of a 3rd party database (RDBMS, NoSQL) then refer to the Stateless Deployment guide.
  • If Ignite will be deployed as a memory-centric database with Ignite persistence enabled then refer to the Stateful Deployment documentation.


Makes sure that you've done the following:

  • Deployed a Kubernetes cluster in the desired environment.
  • Configured RBAC Authorization
  • Deployed Ignite Service

Configured RBAC Authorization

It's recommended to set up RBAC for your Ignite deployments to have fine-grained control of your deployments and to avoid any security-related issues.

vi rbac.yaml

  1. apiVe
2019-09-27 05:31:27    48    0    0


Install kubeless

Installation is made of three steps:

  • Download the kubeless CLI from the release page.
  • Create a kubeless namespace (used by default)
  • Then use one of the YAML manifests found in the release page to deploy kubeless. It will create a functions Custom Resource Definition and launch a controller.

    Download the kubeless CLI

    cd bundles/kubeless_linux-amd64
    cp kubeless /usr/local/bin

    Create a kubeless namespace

    kubectl create ns kubeless

    export RELEASE=

2019-10-18 02:58:50    23    0    0

Typical Uses

  • Mashup'ing and processing outputs of various Nginx upstream outputs (proxy, drizzle, postgres, redis, memcached, and etc) in Lua,
  • doing arbitrarily complex access control and security checks in Lua before requests actually reach the upstream backends,
  • manipulating response headers in an arbitrary way (by Lua)
  • fetching backend information from external storage backends (like redis, memcached, mysql, postgresql) and use that information - to choose which upstream backend to access on-the-fly,
  • coding up arbitrarily complex web applications in a content handler using synchronous but still non-blocking access to the - database backends and other storage,
  • doing very complex URL dispatch in Lua at rewrite phase,
  • using Lua to implement advanced caching mechanism for Nginx's subrequests and arbitrary locations.

The possibiliti

2019-05-06 06:51:53    1474    0    0

Install PostgreSQL

Install from repository

Install the repository RPM

  1. yum install

Install the client packages:

  1. yum install postgresql10

Optionally install the server packages:

  1. yum install postgresql10-server

Optionally initialize the database and enable automatic start:

  1. /usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgresql-10-setup initdb
  2. systemctl enable postgresql-10
  3. systemctl start postgresql-10
  4. su - postgres
  5. psql
  6. \password postgres
  7. xxxpgxxx

Install from source

  1. wget
  2. tar zxvf postgresql-10.0.tar.gz
  3. cd postgresql-10.0
  4. export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
  5. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/postgres10 --with-python --with-openssl --with-libxml --with-ldap --with-libxslt --enable-thread-safety
  6. make
  7. make install
  8. mkdir /home/pgdata/pg10/pgdata
  9. ./initdb -D /home/pgdata/pg10/pgdata
  10. psql
  11. \passwo